

自2005年创立以来, the Ashley Hall’s Writers Series has hosted dozens of award-winning authors on the school’s historic campus located in downtown Charleston. 活动通常是免费向公众开放的. Recent featured guests have included acclaimed art critic for 《新共和》 Jed Perl, 非虚构作家和诗人丽莎·威尔斯, 以及2013年获奖的美食作家罗西·阿纳斯塔波洛.


In the coming months, Ashley Hall is pleased to present the following authors: 


2023年11月8日|下午5点.M. – 6:00 P.M. 随后是签售招待会

This event is perfect for families with young readers. 

Ashley Hall is thrilled to welcome back to campus former fine arts faculty member and now author, Cindy Andrews. 在安德鲁斯的新书中, we take a journey through Charleston history with a little Christmas ornament who wants some wings of her own. 1882年,在圣城查尔斯顿, where a beloved handmade Christmas angel named Engel has been safely stored year after year in the attic of the prominent Witte family, 十大最好的网赌平台自己的麦克比之家. When a modern factory-made angel with feathered wings assumes her role at the top of the tree, Engel fears irrelevance and makes a wish for real wings. Through an ironic twist of fate, the little ornament is unwittingly discarded into Charleston harbor.

Engel is filled with dazzling illustrations of historic Charleston and the Charleston ecosystem. Engel travels through significant local landmarks and meets alligators, dolphins, herons, sea turtles, 今后还会有更多. These places and characters combine to teach the wingless Engel a valuable lesson about confidence and finding one’s place in the world.

给低地带来生动的生活, we are pleased to annouce the South Carolina Aquarium will be on hand with live wildlife demonstratons including a small alligator, 海龟和各种沼泽动物.

不幸的是,这次活动被取消了. 购买你的“恩格尔”点击 here.



CINDY ANDREWS 他在查尔斯顿住了三十多年了. 她最近从阿什利霍尔退休了, 她在哪里教视觉艺术, art history, 欧洲历史上, 以及平面设计. 作为一个热爱历史的人, 辛迪也喜欢做饭, 在当地水道划独木舟, 在市政公园打高尔夫, 去墨西哥城看望她的孙子.



Ashley Hall thanks the South Carolina Aquarium for participating in this event.


2023年9月20日|下午6:00.M. – 7:00 P.M.
戴维斯礼堂 & Jenkins Atrium


Intergenerational writing team Marshall Highet and Bird Jones will be discussing of their co-authored book Blue-Eyed Slave, a carefully researched historical young adult novel set in Charleston. The event will be followed by a book-signing reception showcasing student projects around their study of the novel’s themes of race, religion, 和责任.

This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.






购买精装本的 蓝眼奴隶. | 购买平装本的 蓝眼奴隶.


“The two heroines are 13-year-old girls, one a slave and one a Sephardic Jew. They are strong characters with a highly defined sense of the possible in the face of the impossible. They are  fearless and fearful simultaneously but determined to see the situation through… Finally, 哈利的故事令人震惊.  It is true and, as I have said before, almost entirely unknown. Harry taught 1000 enslaved people to read in spite of laws that forbid it. There is a lot going on here with plenty of opportunities to talk about, 不仅仅是历史记录, 但十大网赌平台推荐今天面临的挑战.——伯德·琼斯,《蓝眼奴隶》的作者


MARSHALL HIGHET has previously published several novels and a short story: Spare Parts一部以真实科学为基础的青少年科幻小说; Modified, 其中的章节在Realm中连续发表, a science-fiction and fantasy literature magazine; and “Fetch,这个短篇故事将会出现在《十大网赌平台推荐》杂志上, a science-fiction and dark fantasy fiction publication. Marshall also wrote the foreword to the republished novels of Helen MacInnes, 五十年代的间谍作家, ’60s, and ’70s.

BIRD JONES is an emerita of Elon University and an ethnographer by training. Her love of stories and story collecting has taken her from Appalachia to Central Asia. She has published widely in academic journals and presented at conferences. Her book 《生活就是这样:缅因州的乡村生活 成为了《东洋杂志》的热门读物, was a best-book pick by independent bookstores along the coast, 并在缅因州公共广播电台播出. 伯德和马歇尔一起写道 Hold Fast历史小说. Blue-Eyed Slave 这是他们的第二次合作.


史密斯街停车场有停车位. 请从史密斯街的门进去. 


阿什利霍尔是一所K-12女子私立学校, 和一个男女同校的幼儿园, committed to a talented and diverse student population. We consider for admission students of any race, color, religion, and national or ethnic origin.
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